Paterswolde Symposium: Orthopaedics and the high demanding athlete

Geschreven door: Redactie Sportgeneeskunde

24 maart 2015

The Paterswolde congress has been organized since 1977 and is famous because of the minteresting international speakers and the wonderful location. The subject of this year will be “Orthopaedics and the high demanding athlete” involving a number of aspects.

Also this year international and national speakers specialized on this topic are willing to come to the Paterswolde symposium to share their experience with us. On the 28th of May 2015 it is possible to bring up your knowledge on this subject. We hope to see you in Paterswolde.

The organizers:
Jos van Raaij en Reinoud Brouwer, members of the orthopaedic group Martini Hospital Groningen.Place and travel information: The symposium will take place in the congress centre of the Fletcher Family Hotel Paterswolde. Paterswolde is a village near Groningen in the northern part of The Netherlands.

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