Cardiopulmonary exercise testing became an established tool for screening, diagnosis, prognosis assessment and treatment surveillance in many cardio-pulmonary and other conditions. In 2022 we welcome you for the European practicum on cardiopulmonary exercise testing meeting “The Wassermann course” in Utrecht. This will be a chance to get the newest information on interpreting CPET data directly from an outstanding faculty that has worked on cardiopulmonary exercise testing for decades.
The course is intended for physicians, scientists, and laboratory staff involved in cardiopulmonary exercise testing. The meeting includes a teaching course with lectures and tutorials in small groups. We will have live demonstrations on various types of exercise tests. Clinical case examples will be used throughout to illustrate key concepts, the use of CPET, and the approach to data summary and interpretation.
All attendees and faculty members are invited to present their current research using poster or oral presentations.
Please send your abstracts in advance to The three-days practicum will occur in the Mitland Hotel in Utrecht, The Netherlands from 21st – 23rd September 2022.
There will be a social dinner on Thursday 22nd September 2022.
We hope to see you on September 21st, 22nd and 23rd, 2022 in Utrecht!
Wishing you all the best,
Tim Takken, PhD Course Chair