7th Asia Pacific Conference on Exercise and Sports Science 2015

Geschreven door: Redactie Sportgeneeskunde

18 december 2014

The 7th Asia Pacific Conference on Exercise and Sports Science 2015 (APCESS 2015)- India (14th -16th October 2015) in New Delhi India, is organized by Asian Council of Exercise and Sports Science (ACESS) (http://www.acess.asia/main_en/) and Manav Rachna International University, Faridabad (MRIU) (http://mriu.edu.in/) .

APCESS (http://apcess2015.com) is the official conference of ACESS to be held every two years since 2001 at Seoul National University, Korea; University of Philippines, Philippines; Hiroshima University, Japan, University Sains Malaysia, Shanghai University of Sport, China and Chinese Culture University, Taiwan.

The theme of APCESS 2015 is “Interdisciplinary Applied Approach to Health and Performance Enhancement through Sports Science” will highlight the interdisciplinary co-operation between exercise science, sports, health and the emergent and critical need to reposition our shared profession in physical activity, coach education and sports science. APCESS 2015 provides an ideal and strategic platform for scholars from various academic disciplines and institutions to interact, and share best practices, preventive strategies and research in health and sports performance. Most importantly, APCESS 2015 is committed to finding curative solutions within the frame work of establishing a Global Exercise Science Network. 37 International renowned speakers representing 22 countries and regions world-wide have lent support to this first historical conference of APCESS to be held in India. To continue our fine tradition of supporting young scholars as Future Leaders, the organizing Committee is pleased to sponsor the Future Leader/Volunteer (FLV) Program, consisting of 21 selected graduate students and young scholars 16 countries/regions.

You can visit www.apcess2015.com for further details.

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