2015 edition of the IOC Advanced Team Physician Course (ATPC) in Doha, Qatar

Geschreven door: Redactie Sportgeneeskunde

4 november 2014

The Organising Committee for 2015 edition of the IOC Advanced Team Physician Course (ATPC) is very pleased to welcome our experienced faculty and delegates to Doha, Qatar.

The 7th edition follows the previous six successful ATPCs. The first was organized by the Oslo Sports Trauma Research Center in Svolvær, Norway, 2008.  IOC has then hosted the next courses at Stanford University, USA in 2010, in Calvi, Corsica in 2011, in Oslo, Norway in 2012, at Saltsjøbaden, Sweden in 2013 and in Mandelieu, France in 2014.

By hosting the 2015 event in Doha, through the tremendous support provided by Aspetar, we hope to make the IOC ATPC available for colleagues in the Gulf region, as well as from Africa and South Asia.The excellent feedback from previous participants has inspired us to continue developing the IOC ATPC concept to become even more valuable for experienced team physicians, as well as a select group of physiotherapists.

For the 2015 edition we will continue with what has become the trademark of the IOC ATPC, addressing current issues in sports medicine through real-life cases. The aim is to foster discussions and interaction among participants and faculty around clinical conundrums facing the team physician working with the elite athlete.

We will also have time for informal social interaction, and we know that each and every one of you will want to avail yourself of this opportunity to build an international network with experienced colleagues among faculty and delegates.

There are many situations in which the benefit of consulting a colleague with perspectives and practical experiences other that your own could be very valuable.

The IOC Advanced Team Physician Course is open to a limited number of experienced sports physical therapists.

Datum: 5-7 mei 2015
Locatie: Doha, Qatar

Ga voor meer informatie en inschrijving naar de website


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