1st World Conference on Groin Pain in Athletes

Geschreven door: Redactie Sportgeneeskunde

24 april 2014

The scientific committee invite you to submit your abstracts for consideration for the 1st World Conference on Groin Pain in Athletes.

The deadline for submission of abstracts is June 20th 2014.

Abstracts can be accepted for presentation either as a poster or an oral presentation during the plenary sessions to be held at the conference.

We will endeavour to complete the review process and judging of the abstracts by the end of August.

Please follow the instructions below – those not complying with these requirements will be returned for correction before being accepted for consideration.

Please submit as a Microsoft Word document. Please Click here Download the Template

Use letter type – Times New Roman – Font size 12. It should be written in English. Please use UK English spell and grammar check prior to submission. If English is not your first language ask somebody to check the abstract for you.

Please include:

Title page, with title and names and affiliations of all authors and the contact details of the corresponding author.

Topic category of abstract:

The topics that will be considered for the conference are:

  1. Epidemiology of groin injuries in athletes
  2. Risk factors of groin injuries in athletes
  3. Prevention of groin injuries in athletes
  4. Clinical examination of groin injuries in athletes
  5. Outcome measures of groin injuries in athletes
  6. Imaging of groin injuries in athletes
  7. Treatment of groin injuries in athletes
  8. Treatment of hip injuries in athletes

Then on a second page, without authors names, the abstract. (Abstract length must be less than 250 words. Those longer than this will be returned to you to be shortened). The abstracts must follow the structure given below:

  1. Title
  2. Background / aim
  3. Methods
  4. Conclusion

To submit your abstract please mail it to Adam Weir, Aspetar Sports Groin Pain Centre: adam.weir@aspetar.com

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